Renault joins the offensive. New model limited to 180 km/h!

Renault joins the offensive. New model limited to 180 km/h!

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The French brand wants to take care of safety on the roads. For this reason, new Renault models will be able to reach no more than 180 km/h.

The first of the automotive concerns to propose a technical speed limit on the manufacturer’s side was the Scandinavian brand Volvo. Regardless of the power or performance, the models produced by the concern reach a maximum of 180 km/h. Now it is the turn of the French brand.

Renault plans to introduce 180 km/h limits for all combustion engines. What is more, in the case of electric cars, the maximum speed will be limited to just 160 km/h – mainly in order to maximize the range of the vehicle.

(Photo: Renault press materials)

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