Tag - new cars

How to organize a car fan rally? See it step by step
How to organize a car fan rally? See it step by step

A rally is a great opportunity to have a good time in a group of crazy car enthusiasts. See how you can organize it!

Ferrari SF90 Spider – a car that will take your breath away!
Ferrari SF90 Spider – a car that will take your breath away!

Are you dreaming about the Ferrari SF90 Spider? This is a modern car that impresses with its modern and predatory design. In addition, the system power of 1000 horsepower will make you awestruck.

Renault joins the offensive. New model limited to 180 km/h!
Renault joins the offensive. New model limited to 180 km/h!

This isn’t the first brand to propose changes to this issue. Will a factory muzzle make a positive impact on road safety?

Japan: Toyota plans to build another prototype hydrogen city
Japan: Toyota plans to build another prototype hydrogen city

Fukushima authorities and Toyota are developing a supply model for supermarkets and stores based on zero-emission hydrogen transportation.

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