Refined or regular fuels – which is better to choose?

Refined or regular fuels – which is better to choose?

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More expensive, but theoretically more efficient and healthier for the engine – refined fuels can be found at most Polish filling stations. Is it really better to pay more?

What are the characteristics of refined fuels?

In order to understand how upgraded fuels can help our car, we first need to know what distinguishes them from regular gasoline or diesel. Refiners are admixtures that are responsible for cleaning and maintaining the engine, as well as helping it work more efficiently in all conditions. According to fuel companies, they are also supposed to have a real impact on the number of kilometers driven on a single tank and the life span of the drive unit.

Most fuel improvers are added to high-octane variants, i.e. PB98. In some distributors, however, we will be able to find the above-mentioned additives in PB95, which will obviously increase the price per liter by several groszy

In the case of diesel fuel, the so-called premium fuel will allow us to keep the engine clean. A better fuel can clean the elements that are key to the combustion process, and special winter blends can help keep the diesel fuel flowing even at extremely low temperatures.

Is it a good idea to fill up with refined fuel and when shouldn’t you do it?

No petrol station can assure you that your car will run smoother and more efficiently after refuelling with refined fuel. However, if you keep your car in good condition, you should really feel the difference, especially if you use refined fuel for a longer period of time

At the same time it should be remembered that new engines, whose construction is quite complicated, will react best to richer fuel and cheaper mixtures may not necessarily be the right option for them. With better fuel, the propulsion system will work optimally.

But not every car can be refueled with high-octane gasoline. The target fuel can usually be found on the filler cap or in the car’s manual. Filling up the theoretically better mixture can cause the engine to choke or not be able to start properly. In the end, we may even be forced to drain the fuel tank.

Of course, if our vehicle prefers PB95 and we can find a station with refined fuel of such octane number, nothing should stand in the way of trying this “better” gasoline. However, if we are not convinced that our car can accept PB98 without any complications, it is better not to tempt fate.

So, is it worth to fill up with refined fuels? This is actually an extremely individual question. If our car is compatible with it, we can try to give it a chance and see if the change is really noticeable. Some fuel companies hold promotions during which the price of refined fuels is the same as for standard blends. This may be the perfect time to test their effect.

Main photo: sippakorn yamkasikorn/

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