Here are the most misguided solutions in cars

Here are the most misguided solutions in cars

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The worst and least useful solutions in cars? Fortunately, we quickly forget about most of them. However, there were some that we remembered. Here are a few of them.

Automatic seat belts

It is indisputable that safety should be taken care of. However, sometimes it is possible to overdo it – the best example is the automatic seat belts introduced in the USA. The idea was great – they decided to automate this important safety feature so that fastening it becomes a necessity. The result was the opposite – passengers often got entangled in the belts, in addition it turned out that only the belt passing through the chest was automatic. Manufacturers quickly concluded that the innovation was completely impractical and useless.

Safety cushion for pedestrians

Volvo V40 probably surprised even those customers who were endowed with a very lush imagination. Designers of this car was not enough standard neither six nor even seven airbags. So they decided to install a pedestrian airbag, which was placed between the hood and windshield of the vehicle. In theory the idea is quite sensible, in practice it turned out to be wrong. Why? Automatic braking systems have much better results and are more effective than an additional airbag.

Coffee maker

It has not been known for a long time that Italians love coffee. Could it be that they can’t deny themselves a small black one while driving as well? Probably in this way you can understand the intentions that guided the designers of the Fiat 500 L. The coffee maker has become an element of the equipment of this car. It was placed on a special holder designed by Fiat. Additional holders for spoons, coffee machine capsules and sugar were also provided. Interestingly, the coffee machine can only be used when the car is stationary, while driving it is blocked. The idea, which was supposed to be futuristic, has not been copied by the competition. Is it any wonder?

Perfume sprayer

The smell of perfume in the car interior? No, it is not about well-known air fresheners in the shape of Christmas trees. The Fiat 500 was equipped with a perfume diffuser. The device is placed in a place where you usually put a cup. You can pour cologne into it, but the manufacturer also made sure that you can buy a specially produced liquid.

Heated armrest

Heated seats are very desirable and useful equipment for the car in winter. But are they the only ones? Mercedes-Benz has assumed that elbows can also get cold in winter. A heated armrest is one of the interesting innovations, but is it useful?

A bench seat in the trunk

Range Rover offers its customers a very unusual solution, which for $6 thousand can be installed in the trunk. This is quite a spacious bench seat, which can be unfolded directly from the trunk. This solution will be useful during spontaneous picnic, but is it worth 6 thousand dollars?

Granite inserts inside the car

It is known that Maybach is a luxury car, but aren’t granite inserts in its interior an exaggeration? Among the options offered by the brand there was the possibility to choose granite interior finish. However, it should be added that for this solution you had to pay as much as 43 thousand euros. After all, Maybach has been absorbed by Mercedes – is there not enough buyers for such luxuries?

A car with a built-in vacuum cleaner

Honda Odyssey was based on a bizarre solution, but actually quite practical. A portable vacuum cleaner was added as an accessory. In principle, nothing stands in the way of buying such a device separately, but as a car equipment will certainly not work worse

A car with a breathalyzer

It is known that to drive a vehicle, you need to be completely sober. Volvo has gone against this principle by offering a high-end breathalyzer as part of its vehicle equipment. It is known that Volvo is a very solid brand – so the equipment is similar to that used by police officers

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