What should a car service include after winter?
Before the travel

What should a car service include after winter?

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After the winter is over it is worthwhile to perform a detailed service on the car, which can indicate possible faults or parts that need to be replaced. What should be checked to be sure that the vehicle is technically efficient?

Low temperatures, snowfall, salt and sand on the roads all affect the condition of your car. Failures are not always immediately visible, so a thorough inspection is essential. They may concern, among others, the brake and exhaust systems and other components. Remember to thoroughly wash and then inspect the body of the vehicle. See if there are any dents, scratches and traces of corrosion – you will then be able to repair them, using the appropriate preparations or have the work done by a painter.

If you need to replace any of the components, used car parts may be what you’re looking for

Tire inspection

First and foremost, you should change your tires to summer tires after winter. Winter tires wear out faster in high temperatures. Pay attention to what condition a set of tires is in – if you notice bulges, cracks, or other troubling signs, go to a mechanic who will assess the condition of the tires and indicate if they are fit for use.

An alternative solution is to purchase all-season tires. These can be ordered at https://plusgum.pl/opony-caloroczne. But be sure to keep checking them for damage caused by poor road conditions.

Operating fluids

It is necessary to change summer windscreen washer fluid for winter one. Also check the oil level and the coolant and brake fluid. It is commonly recommended to change them after a certain number of miles, but it is also practiced to completely change the fluids after winter because of the possibility of contaminants getting into them and impairing their effectiveness.

Wiper blades and filters

Check the condition of your windshield wipers. If you’ve been using them a lot this winter to shovel snow or rain, the blades may be damaged. Also check for scratches or cracks on the windshield, which may have been caused by cold temperatures or pebbles hitting the car.

As for the filters, thoroughly clean the air and fuel filters. It is also worth checking the condition of the ones inside the vehicle. A buildup of microorganisms in them over the winter can cause not only various malfunctions, but also your health problems.

Check the systems

Winter is a time when the brake system is prone to malfunctions. During servicing, verify that there is no corrosion or abrasion on the lines and components. Before checking, thoroughly wash the chassis and body where there is dried dirt. Check any areas that may have been exposed to salt or sand.

Post-winter service should also include checking

  • all the seals in the car,
  • air conditioning,
  • gearbox mechanism,
  • the state of the bushings and control arms,
  • catalytic converter and silencer.

Useful additives

Spring is a time when more often and more willingly drive out of town. So it is worth preparing the vehicle accordingly. Purchasing a special holder together with a GPS will certainly make travelling easier. You should also buy a special carrier, which will make transporting your bike easier. You can find sample models at https://smartmoto.pl/pol_m_Bagazniki_Bagazniki-rowerowe-na-hak-282.html.

Regular and thorough servicing of your car is one of the elements that ensure its good condition. If you do not pay attention to the maintenance of your car, it may result not only in expensive repairs, but also worse – an accident on the road. If you’re not sure you can do the service yourself, take your car to a mechanic who will expertly assess the condition of your vehicle.

(photo: pixabay.com)

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