What to store parts and workshop tools in?

What to store parts and workshop tools in?

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Your winter tires just got replaced with summer ones, and you don’t know what to do with the old ones? Your garage is full of junk you can’t get rid of? We advise you what to do.

What to watch out for when storing car parts?

When you store old or spare car parts, you need to watch out for moisture. This is because its presence leads to the gradual deterioration of tools. Even if you don’t keep the parts in a wet place, the water particles that hang in the air can have a negative effect on them. So look for a dry and clean storage space with no mold growth on the ceiling.

Keep the most important things close together

When it comes to essential tools like a screwdriver or socket wrench, it’s a good idea to always have them close at hand. Get a roomy organizer with compartments that can hold several pounds of weight and put your most frequently used items in it. Then throw the box in the trunk or hide it in the back seat.

Especially important are those tools that you may need during a car breakdown. These include an impact wrench, the previously mentioned screwdriver and socket wrench, cable ties, mechanic’s gloves, a small shovel, flashlight, multitool, or rope. Also, don’t forget a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher.

Don’t have room at home? Rent a storage unit

If you don’t have room at home to store your unused tools or your roommates or partner don’t agree, thinking it looks unsightly, you can always try your luck with finding a storage unit for rent. You can easily rent such lockers in any major city, and some of the companies responsible for them also run drop-off services, ready to help you with hauling heavy stuff. While this can be an expensive solution in the long run, it offers you security as such centers are generally under constant monitoring. On top of that, you don’t have to worry about transporting all your equipment in case you suddenly move out.

When choosing a storage facility, pay attention to whether the building is clean and well-maintained. It is very important to make sure that there is no moisture in the air – you can easily recognize it by a heavy, stuffy smell. If the locker meets all the criteria and a widely recognized company is responsible for it, you can be sure that your equipment is in good hands.

How to prepare parts before packing?

Once you’ve chosen the right place to store your car parts, it’s time to move on to packing. Wrap small parts that are easily lost tightly with fabric and stash them in a cardboard box. You can find suitable packaging for transport at agromech.com.co.uk. It’s a good idea to separate the different tools into bags to keep the mess under control during future unpacking. Also remember to label each box accurately so you always know what goes where.

For large or heavy parts, plain cloth won’t do. Instead of fabric, pack them in special moving blankets, and stash them in large boxes or a wooden crate.

Set up your own home workshop

If you’re one of those lucky people who has space in your home to store parts and workshop tools, you don’t have to bother renting a storage unit. Whether you have a deserted room, a roomy garage or an attic at your disposal, any home space can be turned into your handy workshop.

When it comes to packing your car parts, follow these guidelines. When it comes to your workshop tools, it’s a good idea to buy a metal wall that will allow you to hang them in a visible and easily accessible place. By using the wall space, you will save some floor space for storing other things.

(Photo: pixabay.com)

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